These are methods I have learned over time to help me ABIDE WITH GOD:
DWELL. Sit with Him each day to learn from Him and communicate. I imagine
Him sitting in my quiet place waiting for me to show up. Because He is. He wants
time with us.
STAY. connected all day and night. Constantly conversing with Him throughout
the day. It’s okay to unload our frustrations and confusion as well as our
WITHSTAND. Hold His Hand. Truly think of physically hold a hand with Him in
anxious or difficult situations. This is where memorized scripture is a stronghold.
REMAIN. Jesus is the only constant in our world. The safest place for us to be is
with Him. Ask for the Holy Spirit’s filling each day.
SUBMIT. We cannot imagine the fruit produced when we faithfully watch and
listen with Him. Know His voice because we spend time in His Word.
ATTITUDE. Keep an atmosphere of praise and worship by surrounding yourself
with music, and His Word posted on walls, mirrors, post-its anywhere and
FAITHFUL. See how God uses our obedience to weave together the most amazing
strands to create and fulfill His plans and for our good. We get to be a part of that
unknowingly by just being obedient each and every day—especially in the small
things. Sometimes we don’t get to see the results of our trust and obedience this
side of heaven. But we will be in awe of the things He does reveal to us and allow us
to see, and recognize that we are a part of what He’s doing in the master plan.
-Gail Overby